For all other segments

We are your supplier of innovative solutions for digitalization, procedural processing and efficient content management. The amount of information in paper or electronic form that passes through every organization is growing exponentially. In terms of supporting digitization, data unification and accessibility, modern architecture and economic benefits, centralized document management and administration is a crucial issue for corporate infrastructure. The use of central document management solutions is thus becoming one of our customers' main topics, along with the use of cloud services and microservice architecture.
Our portfolio, suitable for a wide range of industries, includes a comprehensive and modular ERP information system, enabling efficient management of economic activities in your company.


We have solutions for the following 

  • Companies using client documentation or working with internal or project documentation
  • Financial banking and non-banking institutions
  • Investment companies 
  • Industrial companies 
  • Energy companies


We are the right partner for your content management needs

We offer a modern enterprise content management concept designed to digitize, manage, share, integrate and archive documents. We are partners with leading companies OpenText and Hyland, whose platforms are among the world's leaders in Enterprise Content Management.


Trust document storage

We offer a module for trust storage of documents according to eIDAS. The solution ensures document integrity over time and authenticity for electronically signed documents. We offer connection of the module to any document repository or delivery including implementation of the document repository.

Automated document generation

We offer a solution for automated generation of documents and emails from templates. The solution can be used for generating contractual documentation, statements and client communication.


Approval and acquisition processes

We offer a modern process platform based on open-source components, which is a high-quality and fast alternative at minimal cost to existing expensive and bulky products on the market. The main advantage is speed, expansibility and integration options to ERP, CORE, DWH, IB, Portal and other customer environments.

Solution for your paperless office

Digitalization will organize your documents, optimize your processes and will save you money. We offer a solution to make your transition from a paper office to an office that works with electronic documents.


Our services

Thinking about implementing content management or business process management? Are you thinking about making a change? We will provide you with an analysis and consultation in designing the optimal solution for your needs. We build on several basic principles – modularity and expandability, simplicity and comprehensibility, security and scalability.

We will supply you with an economic information system

Our ARBES FEIS solution supports all processes within the economic, accounting and tax agenda. It includes functions for the management of receivables and payables, fixed and small assets, inventory management, planning and budgeting, cash flow forecasting, accounting for all operations in one or two accounting areas (with support for different accounting methodologies), VAT registration, customer relationship management and reporting, including management outputs.



Solutions for You

Core System
core system final

Financial and economic information system

Platforma final

A digital platform containing groups of microservice modules such as Banking, General, Investment or Technical modules

modul final
Automated document generation
modul final
Solutions for trusted document storage
Platforma final
Document Management System

Business Process Management

We modernize legacy systems

Using different technologies, we convert large monolithic systems into smaller independent microservice modules built on uniform principles and platforms. Each module handles a specific business agenda or operational area.  

Microservice modules can exist independently or work together. This approach has proven successful for us in upgrading our own solutions. Incremental modularization makes it easier to replace legacy systems without the high risks associated with replacing an entire system at once. New modules bring substantial benefits such as: 

  • Simple support for front-end applications
  • Option for standard users to parametrize microservices 
  • Technological and supplier independence 
  • Optimization of solution maintenance and operating costs

See more


UniCredit Leasing
Leasing, Other Solutions
Equa bank
Other Solutions
Other Solutions
Other Solutions

Would you like to know more?

Kamil Horák         
Director of ERP Solutions

Would you like more information about the product? Please contact us. We're happy to help.


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